
Dr. Robert R. Twilley
Baton Rouge, Lousiana

Dr. Robert R. Twilley is the Executive Director of the Louisiana Sea Grant College Program and a Professor in the Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences at Louisiana State University. As an internationally renowned researcher, he has produced 148 highly cited, peer review publications, including the first global carbon budget of mangroves and work on the blue carbon value of mangroves. As a leader in wetland science, he has pioneered a variety of research partnerships, collaborations, and outreach projects. In addition to his work in the Mississippi River Delta, he has also researched mangroves in Florida, Columbia, and Ecuador. He has testified in several U.S. House and Senate subcommittee hearings and delivered briefings to a variety of other arms of the U.S. government. During his more than 30-year career, he has brought in over $13 million in grant funding and supervised 31 graduate students.