
Klaus O. Richter, Ph.D.
King County Natural Resources Division
Seattle, Washington

Dr. Klaus Richter is a Senior Ecologist in King County, Washington’s Natural Resources Division, specializing in wetland issues. He received his Ph.D. in Forest Zoology from the University of Washington in Seattle and since has taught graduate and undergraduate classes in wildlife biology and ecology, mentored graduate students of wetland ecology throughout the United States, and has been a popular guest lecturer at educational institutions and scientific conferences.

Richter is honored in particular for his research on amphibian ecology and reproduction, particularly in urbanizing areas. Since 1988, he has been Research Program Manager for the Puget Sound Wetlands and Stormwater Management Research Program. During this time, he has combined field survey results with experimental field research on multiple pairs of control and impacted wetlands to assess water quality and hydrologic, wildlife, and vegetation effects of stormwater management and urbanization. The research has been used to develop a model to account for declines in amphibian breeding success in urbanizing landscapes. Results of this work are being applied to reduce amphibian losses through improved stormwater management and by implementing site-specific wetland restoration throughout the Puget Sound and the United States.

Richter’s research has led to an outstanding advancement in wetlands science and improved wetland management, protection, and regulation. In addition, he has led numerous training workshops on amphibian monitoring of wetlands and wetland management.

— Fred Weinmann, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Region 10