Conservation and Restoration

Joel Gerwein

Oakland, California
California State Coastal Conservancy

Latimore M. Smith

The Nature Conservancy (retired)
Covington, Louisiana
The Nature Conservancy (retired)

Gregory Kearns

Upper Marlboro, Maryland
Maryland-National Capital Parks and Planning Commission

Peter David

Odanah, Wisconsin
Peter David is a wildlife biologist with the Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission

Thomas R. Biebighauser

Morehead, Kentucky
Thomas R. Biebighauser has been dedicated to wetland conservation, restoration, and establishment for over 33 years.

Mark Abramson

The Bay Foundation
Los Angeles, California
Mark Abramson has dedicated the last 15 years to protecting and restoring wetlands and streams in the coastal County of Los Angeles.

Thomas Ries

Scheda Ecological Associates, Inc. & Ecosphere Restoration Institute Inc.
Temple Terrace, Florida
For over 25 years, Thomas Ries has played an instrumental role in wetland restoration in southwest Florida.

Peter Bahls

Northwest Watershed Institute
Port Townsend, WA
Aquatic biologist, Peter Bahls, founded the Northwest Watershed Institute in 2001 to provide scientific and technical support for habitat restoration in the Pacific Northwest.

Mildred Majoros

Trust for Public Land
South Miami, Florida
Ms. Majoros, a Project Manager with the Trust for Public Land, led an initiative to acquire 270 acres of coastal habitat – including 212 acres of intertidal and emergent wetlands – that benefits 14 federally-listed threatened and endangered species.

Jeff Nania

Wisconsin Waterfowl Association
Portage, Wisconsin
Jeff Nania lives in rural Columbia County, Wisconsin, with his three kids, Jim, Chris and Becky, all who have served penance as part of his wetland restoration field team.
