Marc Matsil

Director, Natural Resources Group - City of New York Parks and Recreation
New York, New York
It is rare to encounter individuals who combine Marc Matsil’s concern for protection, acquisition, research on, and restoration of our nation’s natural resources, with the ability to produce tangible results.

Gene Jones

Department of Community Development
Reno, Nevada
Gene Jones, the award winner in the local government category, has been a civil engineer with the city of Reno for eight years.

Laurel Marcus

Project Manager, California Coastal Conservancy
Oakland, California
Laurel Marcus is almost single-handedly responsible for some of the most significant coastal wetland and watershed restoration efforts in California.

Kenneth Kettenring

Administrator, New Hampshire Wetlands Board
Concord, New Hampshire
Dr. Kenneth Kettenring is an award winner in the state government category for his outstanding contributions to wetland protection in New Hampshire.

Randy Riviere

Wildlife Biologist, Tri Valley Growers
Los Banos, California
Randy Riviereis the wildlife biologist and production manager at Tri Valley Growers (TVG) Volta Plant in Los Banos, California.

Jan Goldman-Carter

Independent Consultant
Westchester, Pennsylvania
As counsel to National Wildlife Federation’s (NWF) Fisheries & Wildlife Division and, subsequently, as an independent consultant, pro bono advisor, Janice L. Goldman-Carter has tackled some of the most pressing and difficult issues in wetlands protection.

Dana Beach

Executive Director, South Carolina Coastal Conservation League
Charleston, South Carolina
Dana Beach is the founder and executive director of the South Carolina Coastal Conservation League (SCCCL).

Diane Dumanoski

Environmental Reporter, Boston Globe
Boston, Massachusetts
Diane Dumanoski has been an environmental reporter for the Boston Globe since 1979.